Hemp Flowers, History, Humans and Health

I am not a doctor, nor have my comments been approved by the FDA. I am a soul on earth occupying the role of a minister, medicine woman and a free human - my word and work is protected by the First Amendment. Take it all with a grain of salt, and do your own research!

Life itself reveals a process of ongoing discovery and development. Many breakthrough theories about the nature of the universe - ultimately “proven” by science and math, began with an intuition. Einstein, for example, continually expressed the role that intuition played in his work. Long before Francis Crick and others put a name to DNA in the 1950's, the indigenous tribes of the Amazon and across the globe were communing with the double helix through visionary plant medicine in its form of the cosmic serpent. While it is true that the development of modern science as we know it has prolonged many lives, it seems clear that a dogmatic approach has methodically played a role in dissociating us from our roots of self-awareness and self-healing. It seems we have lost touch with ourselves and our connection to the natural world - to the point where many medicinal plants and fungi have become illegal to consume and taboo to discuss. This disconnect contributes to the rift we are experiencing with each other, our own intuition and ultimately our innate ability and responsibility to ourselves to heal. 

History is written, and sometimes unwritten by opinionated, imperfect humans. Books are destroyed, cultures and passages of time and experience are hidden. Interpretations are inevitable and meaning is missed.  One may find this newsletter to be controversial.  My priorities lie in expressing the truth as I have read it, experienced it and seen it play out around me.

Thank you for reading. I hope to provide at least interesting, possibly helpful information in your quest for wellbeing.


After smoking the seductive sinsemilla for decades, I got to know the psychoactive varieties of cannabis sativa and indica quite well - A powerfully delicious and sticky temptress I will forever admire and respect. For a long time she replaced my very essence with her own. She soothed me - asking for my patience, appetite, sleep, time, money and emotions in return. She took over my smell and taste, she was driving the ship of my senses. It became more and more difficult for us to fill the void. Inevitably, our relationship had evolved into something unsustainable, requiring more than either of us could give - a codependency in need of deep healing. Although it may seem novel concept, plant spirit medicine is ancient. Spirit medicine holds an understanding that the plants, fungi - and even animal spirits (Nahuatl) - desire to have the human experience, too. I feel that cannabis felt welcome, liked me a lot and had a good, long ride in my human body. 

I stopped smoking psychoactive cannabis as well as powerful tobacco last year and began to shift gears into the non-psychoactive realm of what is called “industrial” hemp for my vibrational health, healing and wellbeing. The human being is well equipped with an endocannabinoid system  - after all, we developed and evolved receptors with the plants and fungi. Leaving old spirits and habits behind was quite a challenge and required a temporary relocation to keep me on course. Latin America is my heart’s home away from home, so naturally I completed my offering of detox in coastal Mexico. Perhaps cosmically, hemp flower oils containing high levels of cannabidiolic, cannabidivarinic and cannabigerolic acids - those that are making waves across media outlets right now for their reported healing powers - entered my field right before I embarked upon this excursion. I feel that on an energetic level, something shifted right around the time when I was introduced to these cold, vacuum-pressed, pure hemp flower oils.  CBDA / CBGA and CBDVA containing hemp-flower oils are said to cross the blood brain barrier - opening new capacities for learning and healing. Perhaps most importantly these oils work by reducing inflammation without the more confusing aspects that the heady, high-THC containing herb can present. The high-acid containing strains of cannabis are federally legal - with less than .01% of THC present in the specific oils that I work with. The "acids" are precursors to CBD - they are like the "grandmothers" or stem cells of the plant - especially the cannabigerolic acid - CGBA - which is known for its adaptogenic and mood stabilizing properties. All cannabis contains acids but specific strains are cultivated to be high in secondary metabolites at their peak ripeness. Secondary metabolites are the protective layers of the plant, bitter oils that defend precious buds and flowers from insects, mold and other parasites. The way the oils are expressed - cold, and in a vacuum - retains their original molecular structure. An original molecular structure, in this case, is many times more bioavailable to us than human-compounded CBD isolates - even when the isolated CBD concentrations are incredibly high. The oils, which can be taken internally, are easily absorbed by the intestines. Hemp flower oils can also be utilized topically, in which case a knowledge of essential oil medicine becomes useful. I create combinations that enhance absorption, relaxation and other effects. Overall, I feel that the canna-acids present in these hemp flower oils have been a supportive element in me leaving behind my old need to escape from myself - and have helped me come more fully into my body - A place that did not feel “safe” for a long time. The acids in these oils accumulate in the system over time and are stored in fat cells. The oils are naturally self-releasing when the nervous system requires their properties. Dosing can be up to 4 droppers full, three times a day (or more) and later can be reduced significantly with similar effects. 

The history of the hemp plant is not a clear cut story. It seems that the first evidence of hemp cultivation dates back to 8000 BC in Mesopotamia, the Fertile Crescent. There is proof of hemp being used as an additive to pottery as far back as ancient Egyptian times. In Vedic culture, the God Shiva was known for its interest in the cannabis plant’s bliss-inducing states. In the United States, the psychoactive version of the cannabis plant seems to have been brought up from Mexico in the early 1900s, by the “herb dealers” - perhaps better described as shamanic medicine people. This more psychoactive cannabis variety was known as pipiltzintzintlis. When the Spanish encountered it they recognized it from their own cultivations in Europe. So how did pipiltzintzintlis get to Mexico? The use of psychoactive plants and fungi in Mexico wasn't apparent to conquistadores, or maybe it was - and that is one reason why most of their pictographs and books were destroyed. The use of entheogenic plants and fungi has been vastly overlooked by most modern historians - perhaps because the plants and fungi themselves were seen as direct competition to the agenda of the Catholic Church (Wasson 1957).

Hypocritical or planned? It seems the Catholic Church and other Christian religious sects often condemn the use of psychoactive plants, while their own literature alludes to - and seems to hide, in metaphor - the use of many potent plants including possibly cannabis under a pseudonym. Amanita muscaria mushroom appears to have its spore print all over the origins of Catholic Church, but we will also save that conversation for another day! Perhaps the people in control have been afraid of the power and subsequent uprising that could result from awakened people ingesting entheogenic, healing plants and fungi. Plants and fungi that they can cultivate, forage and provide amongst themselves to be ingested safely - in communion with each other, Mother Earth and the cosmos. All this said, it is highly possible that nothing outside or beyond our very own thoughts and vibrations are required for healing. Another exciting and perhaps controversial allusion to subsequent newsletters!

Thank you for reading - Mush Love! Gabi Chai


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Amanita Muscaria: Religion, Folklore and Medicinal Microdosing